Just got back from Cabo last week, did 4 fishing trips with Pisces fishing. I personally caught 3 Marlin,12 Mahi, 6 Roosters and a bunch of Skipjack. Weather was a little chilly (52 one morning) but had a great time…Mike Bergmann
Friday, January 19, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 Ft. Wind: 5-8 Knts.
Water Temp: 77°F
Air Temp: 68-78°F
Captain Ray Winkler and mate Jesus Winkler, the crew on the "LA BRISA," a 31-ft. Bertram should be congratulated on producing seven striped marlin ranging from 100 to 120 pounds despite the increased breeze and swell! The marlin were all taken on live mackerel at La Brecha Bank to the delight of the clients Bruce Billings, Jack Marvell, and Kate Luni.
While on “TIBURON,” a 31-ft. Bertram, Captain Rosendo, and mates Gomez and Carlos Santos found five hungry striped marlin (estimated weights of around 100 to 120 pounds) before releasing them. Plus, they caught two dorado weighing 15 and 30 pounds, and a 4-pound skipjack all on live mackerel for clients, Dave Adams, John Rogers, Mia Diaz, and William Rogers of North Palm Beach, Florida.
“BBII” Billfish (2018), Captain Osiel and mate Joel were the Highliners for the day, with nine striped marlin estimated at 100 to 130 pounds. They released two dorado weighing around 15 to 30 pounds plus one skipjack at four pounds at the La Brecha Bank by Derej Debraal, Geoffrey Dsena, John Schroeder, Peter Babros and Robert Friedman, all from California.
Fish Type Number Caught
Dorado 56
Ladyfish 1
Roosterfish 2
Sierra 27
Skipjack 2
Striped Marlin 43
Total Caught 132
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 Ft. Wind: 5-8 Knts.
Water Temp: 77°F
Air Temp: 68-78°F
“LA CHINGONA” 46-ft. Viking, Captain Antonio Bojorquez, and crew with eight striped marlin, released (est. weight 70 to 100 pounds) and eleven dorado in the 20 to 30-pound range, all caught on ballyhoo at La Brecha Bank.
On the “CHASIN TAIL,” a 62-ft. Viking, Captain Pepe and mate Ulises, helped clients Jim & Ann Anderson, from Reno, Nevada, catch one striped marlin and three dorado at Los Arcos Bank.
“TIBURON,” a 31-ft. Bertram, with Captain Rosendo Gómez, and Mate Carlos Santos found good action at La Brecha Bank for Dave Adams, John Rogers, Mia Diaz, and William Rogers, from North Palm Beach, Florida, when they released two striped marlin, (est. weight 100-120 pounds), and caught nine dorado weighingaround 10 to 20 pounds all on live mackerel or Ballyhoo.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 Ft. Wind: 5-8 Knts.
Water Temp: 77°F
Air Temp: 68-74°F
“YAHOO,” a 42-ft. Bertram, with Captain Ricardo Escamilla and Mate Jose Escamilla, released four striped marlin (estimated around 80 to 100 pounds each) on Ballyhoo, Charito, and boca dulce at La Brecha Bank and six dorado from 10 to 20 pounds on Ballyhoo and mackerel for Mr. Ricardo Escamilla, Cabo San Lucas, México.
“LA CORONITA,” a 40-ft. Cabo Express with Captain Manuel, Sr. at the helm and Mate Manuel, Jr. released two striped marlin released est. to be 100 to 110 pounds on Ballyhoo, charito, and boca dulce fuera margaritas, and caught seven dorado on Ballyhoo and margaritas for clients Rocky and Linda Allen, Richard and Melanie Trull, plus Randy Wright.
Captain Beto Lira and Mate Jesus Romero on the “RUTHLESS,” a 31-ft. Bertram took their anglers Phil Marrs and Robert Niles from Arkansas, Kansas, to La Brecha Bank, where they caught six dorado, 16 sierra, and three or four cuchi golden on Ballyhoo.
Fish Type Number Caught
Dorado 73
Sierra 63
Striped Marlin 17
Total 153
Monday, January 22, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 Ft. Wind: 5-8 Knts.
Water Temp: 74°F
Air Temp: 65-74°F
“VALERIE,” a 35-ft. Bertram, run by Captain Roberto Sandez, Mate Salvador Flores found a hot spot at La Brecha Bank! The Chic McSherry (client) group and guests David Black, and George Robson managed to Catch and Release eight striped marlin estimated to weigh 100 to 120 pounds plus four dorado in the range of 12 to 16 pounds and two jack crevalle from 8 to 14 pounds all on Ballyhoo, which earned Captain, Crew and McSherry group the distinction of being the Fleet High Boat for the day !
Captain Erick Orozco and Mate Hot Rod Jose Ramiro Ramirez on the “HOT ROD,” a 42-ft. Cabo Flybridge, helped client ERICK OROZCO from California release three striped marlin (est. weight—100 to 120 pounds), and catch three dorado at Los Arcos Bank on mackerel and ballyhoo.
“HAPPY ENDING” 60-ft. Viking, Captain Francisco on a half-day trip with Darin and Maricela Breedlove, Aaron and Gabriela Saenz from Robbinsville, New Jersey, released one striped marlin, around 120 pounds on a Ballyhoo at the Ballena Bank.
Fish Type Number Caught
Dorado 73
Jack Crevalle 2
Sierra 20
Skipjack 1
Striped Marlin 31
Total Caught 127
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 Ft. Wind: 10-15 Knts.
Water Temp: 74-75°F
Air Temp: 65-73°F
“SPEEDWELL,” a 38-ft. Mediterranean, with Captain Victor Piranha, and Mate Sandez, Arturo and Miguel released four striped marlin (estimated weights 120 to 140 pounds) and one dorado at weighing 33-pouds at the Fuera Cabeza de Ballena for Gary and Laurie Bird, Kari Baxter, and Matt Ellis from Midland, Texas.
“RIPPER,” Marlin 35-ft. Cabo Flybridge, Captain Abel, and mates Marti and Mario released two striped marlin (estimated weights 80-180 pounds)on live mackerel at the La Brecha Bank, and three dorado (from 15 to 18 pounds)on Ballyhoo for the David Jewell Ulises and Ruizher Nandez from Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada.
“BBII” 37-ft. Viking Billfish (2018), with Captain Osiel and mate Joel caught and released two striped marlin (est. 100 to 120 pounds) on mackerel at the VIVA La Brecha Bank, where they also boated five dorado weighing 15 to 20 pounds on live mackerel!
Fish Type Number Caught
Bonita 1
Dorado 3
Roosterfish 4
Sierra 68
Skipjack 2
Striped Marlin 19
Total Caught 130
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 Ft.
Wind: 8-10 kt
Water Temp: 75°F
Air Temp: 66-73°F
“CHASIN TAIL” 62ft Viking, Captain Pepe, and Mate Ulises and Hamo Dulce.
1 Striped Marlin (Est, 80-90-pounds) caught on dead mackerel at the MARGARITAS Bank with Jacques and Gloria Gauron, Mary Beth Culligan, Pat Daloisio, and Tom Culligan.
Tres Amigos, 27-ft. Panga, Captain Francisco Domínguez fishing at Los Arcos Bank with Chic McSherry (client), David Black, and George Robson caught 10 sierra weighing 3 to 4 pounds on cuchi margaritas, and ten roosterfish released (est. weight 13-15 pounds) on caballito.
“REBECCA,” a 31-ft. Bertram, Captain Jose Ramon, and mate Jose Gomez found three striped marlin released for clients Alan Mcquestion, Mike Kramer, Vance Johnson, and William Mason, all from Beulah, Michigan.
The estimated weight of the marlin was between 100 and 120 pounds, and they were caught on lures or live mackerel or palmita at Migrino Bank along with one dorado, which weighed 18 pounds on a live mackerel.
Fish Type Number Caught
Dorado 40
Roosterfish 17
Sierra 10
Striped Marlin 18
Total Caught 85
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Skies: Clear
Seas: Calm
Wave Ht.: 5-6 FT wind 8-10 kt
Water Temp: 71-73 F
Air Temp: 64-74 F
On the “LA BRISA,” a 31-ft. Bertram, Captain Ray Winkler and mate Jesus Winkler caught eight dorado, 15 to 18 Ballyhoo, plumas, and caballitos at Cerro Del Golden and Margaritas for Bob Little, Patrick Hassett, and Tom King.
Captain Jose Ramon and mate Alucano Jose on the “REBECCA,” a 31-ft. Bertram took Garrett Preston, Mike McLeron, and Nick McNeil on to Los Arcos, Pozo Cota, and Pablo Esparza, where they caught seven dorado weighing from 12 to 25 pounds on makarela and lures.
“CALIENTE,” a 42-ft. Cabo Flybridge, with Captain Jaime Luis at the helm, took clients Luis Navarro and Misael Real from Kentucky to Pozo Cota and Cerro del Golden they released two 90 to 100-pound striped marlin, two ballyhoo, and eleven dorado weighing between 10 and 18 pounds on lures and ballyhoo..
Fish Type Number Caught
Dorado 77
Mako shark 1
Sierra 22
Skipjack 1
Striped Marlin 17
Total Caught 118
LOCATION:La Brecha Bank, Los Arcos Bank,Ballena Bank, Fuera Cabeza de Ballena, MARGARITAS Bank
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall calm seas, light winds on most days tapering off by midday – between 8 and 10 kts.
BEST LURES: Mackerel, Ballyhoo, and Cabilito, Cedar Plugs. and marlin lures.